You will find current Information about new projects for the upcoming fall an a glance to special events and upcoming shows. Please find a complete list of all Dates and Locations on my website at www.tanzstudio-halle.de.
Classes, Projects and Workshops
06. November 2009 *Tribal Fusion* at Atelier Oriental in Leipzig (GER)
Weekly Class for Tribal Fusion Bellydance have the following dates in the next month: 06. / 13. / 20. and 27. November. Participation is still possible, please contact Zarifa at Atelier Oriental in Leipzig, She's hosting this class. Direct Link to her studio: http://www.atelier-oriental.eu If you need english Workshop-Descriptions please let me know, i'll send them to you via e-Mail.
14./15. November 2009 *Gothic Bellydance Project* at Atelier Oriental in Leipzig (GER)
New Gothic Bellydance Projekt 2009/2010 starts in November with the first weekend. You can look forward to a lot of Technique, Combos and a challanging Choreography. There are only few spaces left, so sign in fast if you are interested in this project. The project ends on stage at the Gothla.DE 2010 Festival. More information on the website: http://www.tanzstudio-halle.de/gothicbellydanceoktober2009.htm If you need english Workshop-Descriptions please let me know, i'll send them to you via e-Mail. Remember: Staying in the studio over night is possible, just contact me for this!
28. November 2009 *Gitana Dance* at VHS Leipzig (GER)
Short Introduction to Gitana Dance, with nice and typical Steps and a few Combos. Please bring a veil or two short shawls (with the same size) to the workshop, as we are working on Hands and Arms too. You'll find more information here: http://www.tanzstudio-halle.de/gitananovember2009.htm If you need english Workshop-Descriptions please let me know, i'll send them to you via e-Mail.
28. November 2009 *Arabic Flamenco* at VHS Leipzig (GER)
Another Workshop with Spanish-Arabian Dance will take part at the same day in the afternoon. This time we will work on Arabic Flamenco. Posture and Fan are subjects to this workshop as well. As usual there are typical steps and Combos in this workshop, too. Please bring your own fan to the workshop. Get more information here: http://www.tanzstudio-halle.de/arabicflamenconovember2009.htm If you need english Workshop-Descriptions please let me know, i'll send them to you via e-Mail.
Further Highlights in November
31. October 2009 - Mystic Moments a Show hosted by Paryssa takes part on Halloween at Anker in Leipzig statt. You'll find me there at the Infodesk of German National Bellydance Association and presenting the Show in the afternoon. I'm looking forward to meet you there.
20.-22. November 2009 – Egyptian Dance / Ballady Workshop-Weekend with guest teacher Erna Fröhlich in Halle (Saale), organised from Sabine. If you are interested in this Workshops look on my website, you'll find there a flyer for download.
22. November 2009 – Flamenco Intensive / Buleria Intensive-Workshop with guest teacher Joelle Guerrero in Halle (Saale), organised by Nicole. If you are interested in this Project, write me an e-Mail, I will forward it to Nicole.
28. November 2009 - Dschungelzauber a Show from and with the Djoumanas in Wittenberg. If you are interested in this show, write me an e-Mail. I will forward it to Evi from the Djoumanas.
Also new
More subjects, projects and events are listed on my website. You will also get informed with upcoming newsletters concerning news and details. There are more dates on my schedule, they will be posted as well on the website as soon as possible. Thank you for your interest in my work!
Best wishes and have a nice Fall
Yours Maharet